There are various reasons why people contact the Rosa Hilfe. Topics can vary from coming out, gay life in general, where to find a guy in Würzbug, Safer Sex, HIV / Aids as well as other sexually transmitted diseases, being bisexual, queer relationships and many more.
In general: Every help-seeking person is welcome.
It’s easy to get in touch with us:
We are here for you every Wednesday from 8 pm to 10 pm via phone and chat (PlanetRomeo, WhatsApp, DBNA). You can also contact us using e-mail.
Personal meetings are also possible by arrangement.
We, the Rosa Hilfe, offer voluntary help to the best of our abilities without taking the moral high ground. We are good listeners.
We have lots of information material to many different topics, which can be sent to you or that can be collected in the queer centre “WuF” in Würzburg if you are up for a visit.
We are open to all kinds of problems. Our team is highly diverse with respect to age, own sexuality, relationship status and backgrounds.
Please note: Your anonymity is always ensured; we are bound by the confidentiality principle!
Have a look at our website, find confidence and optimism. If you have any questions or if you need any help please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Warmest greetings,
Your Pink Helper